Monday, February 9, 2009

The Latest

Good day everyone. I am reading two very good books that I wanted to pass on to all of you. The first is called Information Literacy Instruction Handbook by Christopher Cox distributed by the ACRL (2008). This book is comprised of chapters written by librarians who have some expertise in their subject matter. For example, there are chapters on Teaching, Curriculum Issues in Information Literacy, Collaboration, Program Management, Academic Integrity, and Instructional Technologies. I highly recommend your picking up a copy of this manual, as it is concise and to-the-point.

The other book I am reading is called College Knowledge: What it really takes for students to succeed and what we can do to get them ready by David T. Conley (1995). This book has been designated by my ALA LIRT committee as required reading for our meeting at ALA national in Chicago. LIRT is holding a summit meeting with the interdivisional AASL/ACRL information literacy committee to discuss the book and what is happening in schools across the country. I hope to have tons of great info to share with you after I return from that meeting.

JSerra Cath HS

1 comment:

Zorana Ercegovac said...

The book I just published, INFORMATION LITERACY: Search Strategies, Tools & Resources for High School Students and College Freshmen (Linworth 2008) has been widely used both in high schools and colleges.

Zorana Ercegovac, Ph.D.
Head, Marlborough School Library